The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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We Are So Back

Monday, July 31, 2017

Good Morning Deplorables

It is Monday 7/31/2017


New Report Exposes Thousands of Illegal Votes in 2016 Election

From The Daily Signal:
A new bombshell study released by the Government Accountability Institute shows why President Donald Trump’s Advisory Commission on Election Integrity has such an important job ahead of it.
The institute concluded in its report that thousands of votes in the 2016 election were illegal duplicate votes from people who registered and voted in more than one state.

The Government Accountability Institute, founded by Peter Schweizer, author of “Clinton Cash, seeks to “investigate and expose crony capitalism, misuse of taxpayer monies, and other governmental corruption or malfeasance.”
Over the last few months, the institute sought to obtain “public voter information” from every state in order to search for duplicate votes. This is the same type of information the president’s Election Integrity Commission has requested.
With this report, we may have a clue as to why some states are resisting providing this data.

If you don't think illegals are voting then you are a moron, or a democrat. Wait, that's the same thing. California has issued over 1,000,000 drivers licenses to Illegal Aliens, while at the same time registering them to vote (it's called Motor Voter). The democratic government in Ca advocates for illegals to vote, they even encourage it. Do you think there's a chance of a little voter fraud involved there? In some counties in West Virginia, there were more votes counted then eligible voters in the county. Do you think there's a chance of a little voter fraud involved there? According to the liberal democrats there isn't..They are in full mental disorder, and continue to deny there are issues and refuse to turn over data. Libtard's are dead set against turning over the data because it would show their repeated illegal and tombstone voting population.Is there any doubt the democrats are corrupted liars and are truly the ones who are the greatest enemy of the Constitution and the USA?. No doubt in my mind. Free and fair elections terrify the American fascists we call democrats.

Democrats are known for cheating. How did Hillary win her party's nomination again? Dadda da, dada da, dada da, by cheating.. So there was no voter fraud Schmuckercrats, Then turn over your voter rolls and prove President Trump wrong. But not only won't you do that, you can't do that. Why? Well, because what do you know, it will prove the President was right again.

Chelsea Clinton Lectures White Parents About Racism

Via Twitchy:
If Webster decides to use images to define words someday, Chelsea Clinton’s face will be right next to the words ‘white’ and ‘privilege’. Seriously, if there is such a thing as white privilege, Hillary’s daughter has lots and lots and lots of it.
Sure Chelsea, white people love being lectured by other white people about racism. That seems totally legit and meaningful. *eye roll*
When will the Left figure out that racism is learned? It is not inherent to any one race and to pretend white kids need to be taught not to hate others based on skin color is just ugly.

Question for Chelseahag, when you take the money meant for black people suffering in Haiti so that you can have a billionaire entitled WHITE princess wedding, is that racist? And how many black people are allowed to live in the NYC building of your $10 million dollar apartment? You know, the one bought with the money that was also supposed to go to black people in Haiti?Curious minds want to know. Hey Chelseahag, another question, why do you persist to be a pain in the ass like your drunken mother. Some people may give you a pass because you were raised by two of the most morally challenged and corrupt people on the planet, but I'm not. Just STFU because you are embarrassing yourself. Better yet, please keep talking, Chelseahag. Lectures like yours sank your mother.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Good Morning Deplorables

It is Sunday 7/30/2017

The Sunday Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL.
For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen †


CNN Holds Panel Discussion – Nobody Shows Up

Pasadena, CA – Independent journalist Mike Cernovich attended Politicon 2017 on Saturday and took pictures/video of the dismal crowd that CNN attracted as they held a panel discussion.
Perhaps very fake news CNN can only attract viewers when they force people at airports and gyms to watch them by default.
The American people are fed up with scripted fake news. Social media and alternative media are eclipsing CNN as people simply do not trust them anymore.

Looked like a Hillary for President rally. And to think CNN was even giving away free Kool-Aid. They would've drawn 20 more if they handed out free Hot Cocoa, Sex therapy puppies, coloring books and crayons, diaper pins, butt plugs, and Xanax. You know it's bad when you can't even bribe people to attend or watch! I wonder if the head honchos at CNN have enough brains to be worried yet? And I wonder if the sponsors have enough brains to ask for lower rates? Hard to get top dollar for your airtime when you are on the bottom of the network ratings list. Can you hear us now CNN? Sweet Revenge!

Twitter Mocks Hillary For Naming Her Book “What Happened”…

Via Twitchy:
As Twitchy reported earlier, the Wicked Witch of the Pantsuits released the name of her new book, ‘What Happened.’ And as Twitchy readers know, we made fun of her A LOT for it, and so did the good people on Twitter (especially James Woods!).
On that note, leave it to Conservative Twitter to try and come up with better titles for Hillary’s new book, ‘What Happened.’
Honestly she would have received far less trolling if she had used some of these … heck, the book might even sell.

We all know what happened. She didn't need to write a book about it. Chapter 1, page 1, sentence 1: It was everybody else's fault. See, I just saved you $27.95.


Saturday, July 29, 2017

Good Morning Deplorables

It is Saturday 7/29/2017


Oct. 2016: McCain Slams Failed Obamacare Law

This is one RINO that can go off to extinction without me shedding a tear. I hope you Arizonians are proud. Your OHolecare premiums will continue to go up (116% this year) because of your Senator McRINO. Nice job. You fell for his bullshit. You believed you voted for a conservative. He lied to you and you ate it up. He doesn't care the least about you and that is why he did it. He had one job, to cast a vote for fairness in repealing 0bastardcare In his last days of life, he had a chance to redeem himself in the eyes of the American people, but he wouldn't do it. FU John McCain! He must know it's the end for him so he's going to go out like Berry O, setting fires to our country. Make millions of Americans hurt because he has a personal grudge against Trump!? I hope there is a special place in hell for this son-of-a-bitch! 

I guess some will say it's the brain cancer talking? I say it is just spite? I think he allowed Obowelcare to continue out of spite. God forbid people not allow him the upper hand in any argument because he's a "war hero". Trump was right, I'm all about honoring vets, I'm all about getting the POW/MIA back, but McShame is the most annoying, illegal alien loving, POS rhino of all time, and I respect his service about as much as I do John Kerry's. Just because he is a Senator who served in the military doesn't mean we have to kiss his ass when it comes to political debate.

This is the last time I am posting on this lying fraud. Nothing else needs to be said. The man is a coward, a liar, and a disgrace to this country and his constituents. Even his time in the military is a lie. Clue, USS Forestall. Look it up. Time a a POW. Look it up. Usually historians wait until somebody dies for the truth about them comes out. Well, when that time comes, at least historians will realize he was a Traitor.

Friday, July 28, 2017

Good Morning Deplorables

It is Friday 7/28/2017


Promise Broken: Sens. McCain, Murkowski, and Collins Tank Obamacare Repeal Bill

Via Breitbart:

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s Health Care Freedom Act, known as the “skinny repeal” bill, failed to pass through the Senate.

The Health Care Freedom Act failed 49-51. Sens. John McCain (R-AZ), Susan Collins (R-ME), and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) voted against the bill. Sens. McCain and Murkowski pledged repeatedly to repeal Obamacare, whereas Sen. Collins consistently voted against any Obamacare repeal proposed by the Senate.
Not only have these Sens. McCain and Murkowski voted to repeal Obamacare, they publicly pledged to do so on the campaign trail and in the halls of the Senate. Here are two instances when these senators promised to repeal Obamacare:

  • Lisa Murkowski, “This law is not affordable for anyone in Alaska. That is why I will support the bill that repeals the ACA and wipes out its harmful impacts. I can’t watch premiums for Alaskans shoot up by 30 percent or more each year, see businesses artificially constrained, or see the quality of public education decline.”
  • John McCain, “It is clear that any serious attempt to improve our health care system must begin with a full repeal and replacement of Obamacare, and I will continue fighting on behalf of the people of Arizona to achieve it.”

The rest of the Story....

The swamp has spoken. Once again the lying RINO obstructionists give finger to the millions of people that voted for Trump. McInsane voted no along with fellow Democratic Party moles Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski. The RINO traitors have exposed themselves yet again. Fire them all. They are not representing us. 

Let's be honest here, they never wanted to repeal it. McCain has nothing to lose, so he was allowed to cast the deciding vote, while all the others could safely vote yes. They hate President Trump so much, they couldn't let this happen. They hate President Trump which means they hate the people who elected him. The Republicans just reminded every voter why it doesn't matter who wins elections anymore. The Republican party is as pathetic and corrupt as the Democratic party. One thing you got to say about the Democratic party though, at least they are open about wanting to destroy the country and what they want to shove down my throat to do it. The Republicans just pretend to oppose them but actually don't. I'll take the front stabber over a back stabber every day of the week. 

And as for John McTraitor,  it's good to know that your days, I mean term is literally coming to an end! You have achieved what you have always wanted, you are the great Democrat Hero. And by doing so, betrayed your voters, your party, and most importantly YOUR WORD. What a great honorable American Hero you are. All you did was continue the Obamacare nightmare and screwed the country. Even in your last days you showed your true colors. You only came back to the Senate to do just this very thing. All because of your personal hated to the President. I'll bet you even think you stuck it to President Trump don't you. Well, Johnnie, know this. President Trump will be fine and will be there to say I told ya so.  

So as Obamacare continues on its death spiral and will negatively impact more and more people, President Trump can call out the traitors for that. Eventually the call to repeal and replace will be so loud from the people, aka the voters, that not even the Soros, Marxist, Democrat RINO alliance will be able to resist it. 

RINO Lindsey Graham Working on Bill to Block POTUS From Firing Mueller

POLITICO reports:
Sen. Lindsey Graham sent a sharp warning Thursday to President Donald Trump that it “could be the beginning of the end” of his presidency if he makes moves to fire special counsel Robert Mueller.
The South Carolina Republican, who in the late 1990s served as a House impeachment manager against President Bill Clinton, said Trump would be crossing a serious “red line” by ordering the ouster of the lead investigator who is probing his campaign’s ties to Russian meddling in the 2016 election.
“Any effort to go after Mueller could be the beginning of the end of the Trump presidency unless Mueller did something wrong,” Graham told reporters on Capitol Hill, where he outlined plans to introduce legislation next week that would move to block any Trump attempts to fire Mueller.
Graham said his bill — which he promised would have Republican support and “all the Democrats” — would mandate that any special counsel established to investigate either a president or his staff can’t be fired “unless you have judicial review of the firing.”

So they will repeal the president but not Obamacare, is pretty much what this is. First, this is not constitutional! The swampdog from SC is going out on a limb and will do anything to drag Trump down. Speaking of which, don't you find it funny that the majority of Republican's bent over backwards, forwards and sideways to accommodate Barry, but can't seem to support President Trump. The US Senate did not attack Obama because Obama was a member of their club or crime organization. He gave them hope that they could do the same. So, instead of doing something constructive, this is the shit they do. Now we have a RINO threatening Republican President Trump? Democratic Party Mole, Lindsay Graham, repeats his lack of work ethic and instead of passing a budget, healthcare repeal, etc, he threatens the President of the United States. Lindsey Grahmnesty never runs out of ways to show what an asshole he is to the country. You know President Trump must be a serious threat to their DC RINO gravy train to have them act like this. Hopefully Lindsay and all those RINOs will be primaried out at the first opportunity. SC needs to get rid of Graham in next election with a conservative; WI needs to replace Ryan with a conservative; John Mc Cain, with his troubles, needs to retire from congress immediately and be replaced by a conservative. These swamp rats are doing a great job of identifying themselves and one hopes the American voters are taking note. There should be no doubt by now that the globalsit's rule both parties.


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