Good Morning Deplorables
WARNING: Liberals, this blog could be hazardous to your mental health because I'm politically incorrect.
The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.

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We Are So Back
Friday, March 31, 2017
ICE Report Dumps Cold Water On A Favorite Defense Of Sanctuary Cities
Via Daily Caller:
An Immigration and Customs Enforcement report puts a damper on the argument that sanctuary cities aren’t a problem because they only shield non-violent illegal immigrants.Sanctuary city proponents often say their policies limiting cooperation with federal immigration authorities don’t endanger public safety. But ICE’s latest weekly declined detainer report shows, however, many county and city law enforcement agencies regularly release criminal aliens who have been convicted of violent crimes, including domestic battery and sexual assault.The report, which covers February 4-10, tallied 47 declined detainer requests from two dozen jurisdictions across the country.New York City accounted for 12 of those rejections, far more than any other jurisdiction. Among those illegal aliens released by New York jails were several who had been charged or convicted of violent crimes.
Wait a minute....Are you trying to say that democrats and liberals, along with the media, haven't been entirely honest with us? What?? When did this start?
Shock Poll! 74% Of MSNBC Viewers Think Hillary Clinton Has Another Political Run In Her…

Run, she can't even walk. 3 out of the 4 people watching MSNBC agree she will run. I have a poll for ya: 100% of MSNBC viewers are f**king idiots.
Racist Angela Rye Goes Off on Joe Walsh: 'I'm Not Talking to Bigots!
CNN political commentator Angela Rye got into a Twitter battle with former GOP Congressman and current conservative pundit Joe Walsh. The online tussle arose from Walsh taking issue with Rye's extremely complimentary comments on former President Barack Obama, leading to him claiming that Obama had it easy as POTUS because he's black.
You can watch the entire crazy exchange in the CNN video below:Another racist, Obama loving liberal calling racism where none exists. Why is it when two white men get in a disagreement or a white man and white woman get in a disagreement that's it, it's just a disagreement. Add a Black person and a White person have a disagreement and all of a sudden it's racial? I for one am sick and tired of watching people who disagree with the other person or idea or whatever being called racists. Let's be honest, Obama would NOT have won had not white folks voted for him. Having voted for him did NOT mean they had to approve of everything he did any more than they had to approve of all deeds of our other presidents. Obama got more breaks from the press than any other president in my lifetime and that's a fact. Rye is the biggest bigot of them all. What a POS of a person. These people think they are above everyone else, and they are NOT. I am tired of this shit, tired of these liberals thinking they own every thought out there. Every time the left doesn't like something they yell racists, they really need to come up with something new.
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Obama’s Rule Changes Opened Door For NSA Intercepts Of Americans To Reach Political Hands
Via Circa:
As his presidency drew to a close, Barack Obama’s top aides routinely reviewed intelligence reports gleaned from the National Security Agency’s incidental intercepts of Americans abroad, taking advantage of rules their boss relaxed starting in 2011 to help the government better fight terrorism, espionage by foreign enemies and hacking threats, Circa has learned.Dozens of times in 2016, those intelligence reports identified Americans who were directly intercepted talking to foreign sources or were the subject of conversations between two or more monitored foreign figures. Sometimes the Americans’ names were officially unmasked; other times they were so specifically described in the reports that their identities were readily discernible. Among those cleared to request and consume unmasked NSA-based intelligence reports about U.S. citizens were Obama’s national security adviser Susan Rice, his CIA Director John Brennan and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch.
This asshole is such a disgusting, thuggish, arrogant, low life. I am so embarrassed for our country that this fool was elected president, twice. But we had to prove to the world that we weren't a nation of racists. So what do we do, we elect a racist communist follower of black liberation theology and the give that f**ker full access to our world class surveillance apparatus, and then allow him to put his muslim friends in leadership positions in every defense agency. Unbelievable. What is even scarier, is they thought Hillary would win the election and all this would have been hidden. Yeah, thank God that didn't work out well, isn't it?
So Ok fellow Deplorables, we can be as mad as we want at Obama, because what he did was at very least a Federal Crime and violation of Constitution. But I have to ask, where is the outrage against those who knew it was wrong, knew it was Federal Crime, knew it was against the Constitution, and knew it was against their Oaths, but did it or went along with it against their own citizens? Where is the Outrage against Congress for not going after Obama, Obama's staff, heads of CIA, NSA, FBI, and DHS who were involved? They were too busy cashing their checks from lobbyists to be bothered with monitoring what Obama was doing.
A good interrogation with water boarding is needed. After that the next picture I want to see of Obama is a mug shot. Along with Hillary and the RINO's, McCain, Grahm, and the rest of them. Or, like the Mussolini's, a pic of them hanging upside down, from a lamppost.
Today's Golden Douchebag Award Winner Is...
Professor Says He Wants To 'Vomit' After Watching Passenger Give Up First Class Seat For Uniformed Soldier
Douchebag Award winner liberal dickhead George Ciccariello
A Drexel University professor, already infamous for tweeting, ”All I Want for Christmas is White Genocide,” upped the ante last Sunday, mocking the United States armed forces.
Some guy gave up his first class seat for a uniformed soldier. People are thanking him. I'm trying not to vomit or yell about Mosul.
Drexel University responded to the “white genocide” tweet by asserting Ciccariello’s comments were “utterly reprehensible” and “deeply disturbing,” adding that they were “taking this situation very seriously.” But four days after the tweet, the university released a statement signed by University President John A. Fry saying Ciccariello-Maher’s comments fell under the category of “protected speech.” The statement read:
Instances such as this one both test and strengthen Drexel’s fundamental dedication to the principles of academic freedom and freedom of expression… The University vigorously supports the right of its faculty members and students to freely express their opinions in the course of academic debate and discussion. In this vein, we recognize Professor Ciccariello-Maher’s tweets as protected speech… The University strongly encourages the use of speech —not threats or violence — to counter speech with which one disagrees. In the coming months, we look forward to a constructive exchange of ideas and opinions on the subject of academic freedom and freedom of speech.
Too bad he didn't do a Mama Cass and choke on his vomit. That would be a good thing! But then again assholes live forever. Nothing more pathetic than a self loathing libtard. And as for Drexel University, you have no standards for your employees? It seems the stupid runs deep at Drexel. Ibelieve a boycot is in order.
Thursday's Featured Video
MSNBC’s Chris Matthews Compares Ivanka and Her Husband to Saddam Hussein’s Sons
What a keen journalistic sense you have. No wonder MSNBC is such a trusted name in news! Keep up the good work, and we'll see you at the 2018 midterms.
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Hillary Clinton Criticizes Sean Spicer And Bill O’Reilly.
See video at Daily Caller.
Via Daily Caller:
Hillary Clinton criticized White House press secretary Sean Spicer and Fox News host Bill O’Reilly for comments each of them made about a prominent liberal woman on Tuesday.In an appearance on “Fox and Friends” Tuesday morning, O’Reilly claimed to be “distracted” by California Rep. Maxine Waters’ “James Brown Wig.” He later apologized for the comment, which Clinton termed a “racist joke” during an event in San Francisco on Tuesday afternoon.Clinton also claimed Spicer “patronized” American Urban Radio Networks correspondent April Ryan during a testy exchange between the two during Tuesday’s White House press briefing.
More from the loser
Does this cucking funt actually believe she's revelent anymore? F**k her and her worn out, tired, never ending victim hood mentality. That's all.
Mayor de Blasio: NYC Being a Sanctuary City Keeps Terrorism at Bay
New York City – Mayor Bill de Blasio claimed that New York is at risk of terror if AG Sessions cuts federal funding for sanctuary cities.
Daily Caller reported:
“President Trump’s latest threat changes nothing. We will remain a city welcoming of immigrants, who have helped make our city the safest big city in the nation,” de Blasio said. “Any attempt to cut NYPD funding for the nation’s top terror target will be aggressively fought in court. We won’t back down from protecting New Yorkers from terror – or from an overzealous administration fixated on xenophobia and needless division.”
Using this Moronn Mayor's supposed logic, why doesn't NYC get rid of ALL laws, then there will be no crime whatsoever. I would hate to suggest something so asinine and absurd because de Blasio is stupid enough to consider it. I think we've finally located the stupidest, delusional, douchebag on the planet.
Wednesday's Featured Video
President Obama’s Own Defense Deputy Admits Obama White House Spied on Candidate/President-Elect Trump…
She doesn't know what she just admitted to.
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
John Podesta May Have Violated Federal Law By Not Disclosing 75,000 Stock Shares
CNN will start reporting on this when:
Via Daily Caller:
John Podesta, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s 2016 national campaign chairman, may have violated federal law by failing to disclose the receipt of 75,000 shares of stock from a Kremlin-financed company when he joined the Obama White House in 2014, according to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group.Joule Unlimited Technologies — financed in part by a Russian firm — originally awarded Podesta 100,000 shares of stock options when in 2010 he joined that board along with its Dutch-based entities: Joule Global Holdings, BV and the Stichting Joule Global Foundation.When Podesta announced his departure from the Joule board in January 2014 to become President Obama’s special counsellor, the company officially issued him 75,000 common shares of stock.
Nothing to see move along! No laws were broken. He is a Democrat and a Clinton favorite. Simple as that. Violating federal law among democrats is almost the American PASS Time.
Take your punishment like a Democrat.
Students Told To Write 9/11 ‘Historical Account’ From Al-Qaeda’s Point Of View
Via The Blaze:
Students in an Iowa State University international studies class were instructed to write an “historical account” of the 9/11 terrorist attacks from Al-Qaeda’s point of view.A copy of the assignment was obtained by the College Fix:Let’s focus on the 911 terrorist attacked [sic] and how it might be interpreted differently by different people around the world. For this exercise, you have to “get out of the box” of our thinking about what happened on 911 and view it from a completely different perspective. While this may seem difficult to do, it is merely an exercise in how different people, cultures, and historical perspectives may actually be.Write a paper that gives a historical account of 911 from the perspective of the terrorist network. In other words, how might Al-Qaeda or a non-Western historian describe what happened. Use your imagination and make it as interesting as you like. There is no correct answer here, just your ability to look at what we consider a heinous action from other perspectives. Don’t worry about the fact you don’t agree with the terrorists, the point of the exercise is to consider completely different perspectives.Keep reading…
While we are at it, why not have them write about the Holocaust from the Nazis' point of view? Or abortion from an unborn baby's point of view? Maybe they should write an account from the point of view of someone who worked in the tower, or a passenger on one of those planes. How about the point of view of a first responder? Or better yet, maybe they should just tell their 'professor' to go f**k himself, and walk out of class. Because it seems to me the few 'points of view' they're allowed to contemplate, would all be anti-American. Unbelievable! Colleges are nothing but Propaganda Networks for the left. They are trying to plant the seeds in the minds of our young men and women that that those animals were justified in doing what they did because America is at fault. Here's my paper:
"Al Queda hates the US and seeks its destruction". As does most of the leftist professors..
SHOCKER: Josh Earnest Is Now A Political Analyst For NBC News and MSNBC
Via Daily Caller:
Barack Obama’s former press secretary is now a political analyst for NBC News and MSNBC, the network announced Monday.“Josh recently completed a ten-year run with President Obama, most recently serving as White House Press Secretary from 2014-2017,” NBC New President Noah Oppenheim and MSNBC President Phil Griffin said in a joint statement.“A native of Kansas City, Josh graduated from Rice University with a degree in political science and policy studies. With his wealth of experience and insight, Josh will be a great addition to our roster of contributors and will be an asset for our two networks as we continue to cover the White House, Congress and politics beyond the Beltway.”
So he went from Obama propagandist to an NBC/MSNBC propagandist. The only requirement for a job at NBC or MSNBC is the ability to lie with a straight face and Earnest is an expert. So basically, he is doing the same thing.
Tuesday's Featured Video
30 Most Famous Country Music Singers Join Forces To Sing An EPIC Mashup Of Classics
A break from the Politics.
Monday, March 27, 2017
Freedom Caucus Rep. Resigns from Group Amid Healthcare Failure
Ted Poe (R-TX), a U.S. Representative and former member of the House Freedom Caucus, has announced Sunday afternoon that he will be resigning from the group that aided in destroying the Paul Ryan-led GOP’s attempt to repeal Obama’s 2010 healthcare act.
The House Freedom Caucus has been under fire and was heavily criticized by numerous Republicans before the GOP healthcare plan fell apart on Friday.
“I have resigned from the House Freedom Caucus. In order to deliver on the conservative agenda we have promised the American people for eight years, we must come together to find solutions to move this country forward,” Poe said in a statement. “Saying no is easy, leading is hard, but that is what we were elected to do. Leaving this caucus will allow me to be a more effective member of Congress and advocate for the people of Texas.”
“It is time to lead,” he added.
These assholes better start realizing that voters support Trump 100% and will vote Republican in Nov 2018, but every day it looks more and more like another Republican's name will be on the ballot rather than theirs.
Feel good story of the day…
Al-Qaeda Leader Who Killed Americans Obliterated In Drone Strike
Via Daily Mail:
A US drone strike in eastern Afghanistan on March 19 killed the senior Al Qaeda military commander Qari Yasin, who has been linked to numerous attacks in his native Pakistan, the United States military confirmed on Saturday.‘The death of Qari Yasin is evidence that terrorists who defame Islam and deliberately target innocent people will not escape justice,’ Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said in a statement.A native of the Pakistani region of Balochistan who has ties to the Tehrik-e-Taliban group, Yasin was accused of plotting the September 20, 2008 bombing of a Marriott Hotel in Islamabad.The 2008 attack was featured in the 2012 movie Zero Dark Thirty.
Is it me, or are things stepping up a little? Must have been a really big bomb, that was almost as fat as Mikey Moore!
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