The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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We Are So Back

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Col. Bing West Lowers Boom: White House Covering Up Benghazi…. Africom Commander General Ham Retires….

BREAKING NEWS…. more to follow as soon as assembled. However, if anyone was watching Fox News with Greta Van Sustern tonight, you just saw an explosive interview with former Col Bing West

So again, the simple question:    Where is the execute order?
This is breaking….. more to follow….. video soon… Stunning interview.


West outlines, once again, with specific certainty, that it is impossible for President Obama to have done what he has said he did. If President Obama said to Secretary Panetta and Chairman of Joint Chiefs Dempsey, “do whatever you need to in order to protect our people”, then an execute order would exist from Panetta / Dempsey to Africom General Ham to take action.
General Ham has publicly stated he received no such Order, or even a “request”, he has recently been replaced as Africom commander, and shockingly is now retiring:
WASHINGTON - General Carter F. Ham, the Combatant Commander of Africa Command (AFRICOM)  and a key figure in the Benghazi-gate controversy, is leaving the Army.  On October 18, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta had announced that General  Ham would be succeeded at AFRICOM by General David Rodriguez. Later speculation tied this decision to the fallout from the  September 11, 2012 attack in Benghazi that killed four Americans, including U.S.  Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens. However on Monday October 29 a defense  official told The Washington Times that “the decision [to  leave AFRICOM] was made by General Ham. He ably served the nation for nearly  forty years and retires after a distinguished career.” Previously all that  was known was that General Ham would be rotating out of AFRICOM at some future  date, but not that he was leaving the service. General Ham is a few years  short of the mandatory retirement age of 64, but it is not unusual for someone  of that rank to retire after serving in such a significant command.
The questions concerning General Ham’s role in the September 11 events  continue to percolate.
Congressman Jason Chaffetz, Utah Republican, said  that General Ham told him during a visit to Libya that he  had never been asked to provide military support for the Americans under attack  in Benghazi. Former United States Ambassador to the U.N. John R, Bolton also mentioned Mr. Chaffetz’s account, and contrasted  it with Mr. Panetta’s statement that General Ham had been part of the team that  made the decision not to send in forces. “General Ham has now been characterized  in two obviously conflicting ways,” Mr. Bolton concluded. “Somebody ought to  find out what he actually was saying on September the eleventh.”
No word yet on when General Ham’s rotation or retirement take effect
Is General Ham looking for distance so he can publicly tell the truth?  It has been confirmed that President Obama, VP Biden, and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta were in the Oval office at 5pm:
(CNSNews.com) – President Barack Obama met with Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Vice President Joe Biden at the White House on Sept. 11, 2012 at 5:00 PM—just 55 minutes after a State Department email notified the White House and the Pentagon that the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi was under attack. [...]
The terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi began at about 9:40 p.m. Benghazi time—or about 3:40 p.m. Washington, D.C. time. “The attack began at approximately 9:40 p.m. local time,” Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Charlene Lamb told the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee in written testimony submitted Oct. 10.
So again, the simple question:    Where is the execute order?
This is breaking….. more to follow….. video soon… Stunning interview.

Gingrich: Senator told me networks may have White House emails commanding counterterrorism group to stand down on Benghazi rescue

On Tuesday night’s “On the Record with Greta Van Susteren” on the Fox News Channel, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said that major news networks might have secret emails proving that the White House canceled plans to assist the besieged U.S. Embassy in Benghazi.
Gingrich said that the bombshell emails could be revealed within the next two days.

“There is a rumor — I want to be clear, it’s a rumor — that at least two networks have emails from the

Sean Hannity on Benghazi Audio Tapes: “I’ve Heard They Are Damning” (Video)

The heroes on the ground called for help – Obama did nothing.
It Was Dereliction of Duty

Sean Hannity was debating liberal and Obama apologist Juan Williams tonight on the Benghazi slaughter. Hannity said this on the audio tapes of Tyrone Woods begging for air support,
“I’ve heard they are damning.”

Tyrone Woods was screaming for air support and Barack Obama did nothing.
Then he lied about it.
Hannity later said there are three tapes the Obama administration is holding onto including audio of Tyrone Woods begging for air support.
Let’s hope the impeachment proceedings begin before Obama leaves office in January.

Wasserman Schultz Involved in Police Altercation Outside Voting Precinct

A group of sign-waving campaign ralliers comprised of both Democrat and Republican supporters outside an Aventura, Florida polling location witnessed Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz get involved in a heated altercation with an Aventura policeman after she apparently took issue with his request to not engage in campaign activities in the street which would hold up oncoming traffic.
She listened to the police officer’s respectful and reasonable request, but Wasserman Schultz continued to argue with the police officer, according to several people who witnessed the incident.
Wasserman Schultz was greeting voters and waiving her campaign signs on a street that leading into the polling site and was obstructing traffic by stopping cars before they could even enter the parking area.
The police officer respectfully asked Wasserman Schultz to move onto the sidewalk as everyone else was required to do, but the  Congresswoman was unhappy with not being able to campaign how she saw it fit.  Unnerved by the simple request from a police officer, Wasserman Schultz made a “well placed” phone call to some unknown individual in a position of authority.  Five minutes later, the Aventura City Mayor came to the scene and was confronted by Debbie Wasserman Schultz and proceeded to get an earful from her as well.  
Wasserman Schultz stayed about 20 minutes before she  left the scene with the six or so supporters she brought with her .  After the congresswoman left, one of the Democrat supporters who witnessed the whole incident confronted the Mayor and told him that what she did was “extremely inappropriate” for her to berate him in the manner she did.
This altercation is just a few days removed from an earlier incident in which the congresswoman took issue with a Democrat voter who refused to campaign and support her and instead supported her Republican congressional opponent Karen Harrington.

It's Official: Rachel Maddow Completes Conversion to Baghdad Bob

"The Rachel Maddow Show" really shouldn't air weeknights on MSNBC. It is much better suited for Saturday mornings, you know, along with the other cartoons.
Maddow is so deep in the tank for the Obama administration at this point that she no longer cares how ludicrous she appears in her melodramatic inveighing against the staggering mendacity of one Willard Mitt Romney, a man who clearly haunts her fitful dreams and restless nights. 

Here was Maddow on her show Friday night uncorking what she described as yet another lie from Romney --

Bloomberg to Obama: Stay Out of NYC


President Obama has been a busy bee the last two days, spending a huge swath of time with the press and in front of the cameras. Aside from using the White House website as his personal PR firm – putting out pictures of himself with the folks at FEMA and the Red Cross and in the White House situation room, and giving updates stating that he had “expressed his concern” and been informed “throughout the night” – Obama desperately wanted to visit New York City to let the photographers capture him overseeing the damage. He wanted his hero moment.

And Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York City doesn’t have time for that nonsense. He’s actually too busy being the mayor of a city in major crisis to squire Obama around for his election campaign.

Today, Bloomberg rejected Obama’s offer to visit the city. “We’d love to have him, but we’ve got lots of things to do,” said Bloomberg. It was “fine” for Obama to visit New Jersey, Bloomberg said. “People understand the storm and he doesn’t have to … he’s got a lot of things to do.”

The White House then followed suit by claiming that the arrangement was mutual, and that they agreed it “would not be the right time to visit New York City.” Sure.

Hurricane Sandy to Cost $40 Billion… Or, About Half as Much as Obama Blew on Green Energy Boondoggles

It’s going to cost billions.

Hurricane Sandy was so devastating it will cost American taxpayers about half as much as Barack Obama blew on his green energy boondoggles.
The devastation of Hurricane Sandy may cost from $30 billion to $50 billion.
The Huffington Post reported:
On Tuesday, one estimate from IHS Global Insight put total costs at somewhere between $30 billion and $50 billion, including $20 billion in infrastructure damages. Hurricane Irene, which struck the Northeast in August of 2011, cost about $13 billion in economic damages, according to data compiled by Moody’s Analytics.
As high as the numbers seem, economists say the overall impact on the economy will be minor — some costs from the hurricane will be paid by insurers, and others will be offset with rebuilding and recovery efforts.

MSNBC Bashes Romney for Collecting Food and Supplies For Hurricane Victims (Video)

You just can’t make this stuff up.
MSNBC cranks bashed Mitt Romney today for collecting food and supplies for Hurricane Sandy victims.
No wonder nobody watches their shows.
NewsBusters reported:

 NewsBusters reported:
After introducing his Obama-supporting guests Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed and Lehigh professor James Peterson, host Martin Bashir played a clip of the President speaking at the Red Cross headquarters in Washington Tuesday.
When the clip concluded, Bashir said, “Mayor Reed, so the Red Cross knows what it’s doing. Did he, did you detect perhaps a subtle dig there on Mr. Romney who spent today going against the guidelines established by the Red Cross and holding a campaign rally in Ohio that was dressed up like a charity drive collecting food and other supplies when the Red Cross expressly asked people not to do that?”
Imagine that. A presidential candidate who gives millions of dollars a year to charity does a storm relief event in Ohio, and an MSNBC anchor is disgusted by it because the Red Cross would prefer people donating cash.

Facebook Censors Navy SEALs to Protect Obama on Benghazi-Gate

Over the weekend, Facebook took down a message by the Special Operations Speaks PAC (SOS) which highlighted the fact that Obama denied backup to the forces being overrun in Benghazi.

The message was contained in a meme which demonstrated how Obama had relied on the SEALS when he was ready to let them get Osama bin Laden, and how he had turned around and denied them when they called for backup on Sept 11.
I spoke with Larry Ward, president of Political Media, Inc -- the media company that handles SOS postings and media production. Ward was the one who personally put the Navy SEAL meme up, and the one who received the warning from Facebook and an eventual 24 hour suspension from Facebook  because Ward put the meme back up after Facebook told him to take it down.
Here's what Ward told me:
We created and posted this meme on Saturday after news broke that Obama had known and denied SEALS the backup they requested.
Once the meme was up it garnered 30,000 shares, approx. 24,000 likes, and was read by hundreds of thousands of people -- all within 24 hrs. On Sunday, I went into the SOS Facebook page to post something else and found a warning from Facebook that we had violated Facebook's Statement of Rights and Responsibilities with our meme. So I copied the warning, put it on the meme as as caption, and re-posted the meme to the Facebook page.
Along with the re-posted meme, Ward put a link to the Facebook "feedback comment" inbox so visitors to the SOS page could send a message to Facebook if they were as outraged over the meme being jerked down as he was.

Ward said Facebook pulled the re-posted meme down within 7 or 8 hours and suspended the SOS account for 24 hours.
In other words, Facebook put the Navy SEALS in timeout in order to shield Obama.
How low can you go?

PAINFUL Comedians crack rape jokes at Alan Grayson's Hollywood fundraiser ... Republicans compared to Nazis ...

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13 Year-Old Jenny Schools 26 Year-Old Obama Girl (Video)

Will the real adult in the room please stand up.

College Obama Girl SCHOOLED by Thirteen-Year-Old Romney Supporter

A 13 year-old 8th grader and Romney supporter recently scored the candidates in this insightful video.

Jenny is a 13-year-old 8th grader who’s been interested in politics for a couple of years. She was confused about the claims of the Democrats and the claims of the Republicans. So, she decided to look at the facts and do a report card for President Barack Obama and one for Governor Mitt Romney.

Lib Rep Says Veterans Are “Unqualified to Serve” in Congress – Republican Opponent and Green Beret Disagrees (Video)

Liberal Democrat Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA) recently told an audience that military Veterans are “unqualified to serve in Congress” because their deployments prevent them from putting “sweat equity” into their districts.
Connolly argues he served his country by sitting on Congressional committees and ends his speech saying he wished his opponent would honor his service as a representative.

Republcian challenger Colonel Chris Perkins, a former Green Beret, disagrees.

Connolly made the offensive statement at a neighborhood civic association meeting.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Sandy VS. Benghazi – The Situation Room

10/29 Hurricane Sandy

President Barack Obama receives an update on the ongoing response to Hurricane Sandy, in the Situation Room of the White House, Oct. 29 (Photo by Pete Souza)

9/11 Libya, Benghazi Attack

President Barack Obama receives an update on the ongoing response to the terrorist Attacks in Benghazi Libya, in the Situation Room of the White House, Sept. 11

Beyond Impeachment: Obama Treasonous over Benghazi

Is it treason when you put your own reelection above the good of your country and the lives of its citizens? If so, Barack Obama committed treason in leaving the four Americans to die in Benghazi.

Our Constitution defines it this way: “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.”
Aid and comfort to the enemy — what is that?

Benghazigate: Chapter Two

Treachery and betrayal were the Administration's response, as the media gives Obama cover.

What more does anyone need to know than that Americans are under attack before ordering a military response to suppress the attack and possibly rescue our people?

Even if the initial response isn't exactly what you'd want it to be, even if you don't have every asset available that you might in a perfect world, isn't it your duty -- whether you're a lowly second lieutenant or the Secretary of Defense -- to do everything you can as quickly as you can?

Of course it is, at least unless you're President Obama and his minions. His two principal flunkies -- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta -- had a lot of options on September 11 during the seven-hour attack on our Benghazi consulate and the CIA house about a mile away. According to a Fox News report based on several sources, the people under attack pled with the CIA for help three times during the attack and all three pleas were refused. Team Obama did nothing to save their lives.
The accuracy of the Fox report is easily derived from other facts. One element of proof that the requests were made -- by people under fire -- comes from Panetta's whining. According to a Reuters report, Panetta said there wasn't enough information to responsibly deploy forces to Libya during the attack. "You don't deploy forces into harm's way without knowing what's going on, without having some real-time information about what's taking place."

Really, Mr. Secretary? Let's set aside the fact that one or more drones were over the consulate during the

Meet Atlantic City's Ray Nagin: Lorenzo Langford


Atlantic City Mayor Lorenzo Langford (D) has fallen under scrutiny from Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ) for informing residents of Atlantic City that they could stick around during Hurricane Sandy. Christie ranted:

You have a mayor, a rogue mayor, telling his citizens not to leave, that it’s O.K. not to leave. I don’t know what you call that. I don’t call it effective governance.

Many Atlantic City residents apparently were upset that they evacuated during Tropical Storm Irene last year. Christie ripped them as well:

I will never understand these people. They came home to very little property damage and they were alive. And they’re angry because they spent a couple of days at Rutgers. We’re going to see how they feel now, when they stayed. It’s just not acceptable conduct ….

Now I’m going to have federal and state emergency personnel going in their first thing tomorrow morning with live downed electrical wires all over the place, risking their lives. Because Mayor Langford was worried that some of his people were angry? That’s not leadership, everybody.

Desperate Obama: How About a New Government Secretary of Business?

From a guy who spent his entire first term demonizing big business, denying help to small business and campaigning for ObamaCare instead of focusing on jobs, this comes off as a last minute move of desperation.
The Hill reports…
President Obama would like to establish a “Secretary of Business” if he wins a second term.
In an interview with MSNBC, the president said he wants to consolidate a number of business and trade-related agencies, creating a “one-stop shop” for oversight.
Caught in a neck-and-neck run with a GOP challenger highlighting his private sector experience, the president is now pushing his own ideas to help business.
“I’ve said that I want to consolidate a whole bunch of government agencies.”
Four words: Too little, too late.
Erika Johnsen of Hot Air gets it right…
No — a thousand times, no. As much as Democrats like to aggressively peddle the line that “Mitt Romney wants to take us back to the policies that got us here in the first place,” as if tax cuts and deregulation were somehow the prime movers of the financial crisis, the fact is that too much big government is what really got us here.
The Romney Campaign has already responded…
“We don’t need a ‘secretary of business.’ We need a new president who actually understands business and won’t punish it with the job-killing regulations that have been imposed by the Obama administration,” said Ryan Williams, a campaign spokesman. “Mitt Romney spent his career in the private sector as a successful businessman, and as president he will promote pro-growth policies that will create jobs, help small business and strengthen the middle class.”
  Right on!

Desperation: Obama Super PAC Leaks 'Internal Polls' to Left-wing Politico

There are all kinds of reputable pollsters whose results never seem to get anyone at the corrupt Politico excited enough to launch a headline -- this includes Scott Rasmussen. But man alive, the corrupt Politico sure does love them some left-wing pollsters, especially PPP, which is associated with the Daily Kos and SEIU. You would think that would be bad enough, but the corrupt Politico just hit a new low by disguising as serious news an affirmation of strategically leaked internal polling from the pro-Obama Super PAC Priorities USA.

The Biggest Loser of 2012 is Liberal Media (Video)

No matter what happens on November 6th, one thing is sure. Liberal media has lost.

Every news outlet except FOX is ignoring the scandal of Benghazi.

As Romney surges, Nate Silver of the NYT’s is still saying Obama is a lock.

From a top story at Real Clear Politics…
Economist Timur Kuran coined the term to explain why totalitarian regimes usually collapse suddenly. A preference cascade happens when people discover millions of others share their doubts about the Great Leader. Massive media bias has made the term applicable here, Mr. Reynolds said. The Barack Obama that Americans saw in the debates bears little resemblance to the heroic figure portrayed by the news media.
The crowds have been enormous at Romney/Ryan events this past week. If this is the start of a preference cascade, many Democrats may drown in the undertow. The Obama campaign has vacuumed up so much Democratic money there’s little left for other candidates.
In yet another fund-raising appeal on Tuesday, Mr. Obama said he and Michelle would be fine if he loses. If the president’s friends are indeed buying him a $35 million mansion in Hawaii, as Chicago blogger Kevin Dujan (Hillbuzz) claims, that’s certainly true. But public employee unions, crony capitalists and others who feed at the public trough have reason to panic.
Underlings must wonder if there will be legal consequences for the laws they’ve broken. I predict an orgy of document shredding Nov. 7.
The biggest losers could be “mainstream” journalists. Their blatant bias has dropped trust in the news media to an all-time low. It’ll plunge further if more evidence of collusion with the administration emerges. Nobody trusts a liar. There will be bankruptcies.
Jim Treacher says The MSM is irreparably broken.
He’s right.
Their ruin began four years ago with the demonization of the Tea Party.

Black Chicagoans rage against the Obama, the leadership, the machine

A startling video released today by Jeremy Segal (“Rebel Pundit”) of Breitbart.com shows inner-city Black Chicagoans expressing outrage against President Obama, union racism, and the Democratic Machine, whom they say no longer represent their agenda.
Further, when money is directed at their community, it is funneled through so-called community-based organizations and nonprofits or unions, and never touches the residents themselves.
Community resident Paul McKinley says, “Everything in Chicago is controlled by the Democratic party. Everything in my community is controlled by Black Democrats. There is no Tea Party in my community. There is no Republicans. So they can’t blame the Tea Party.” Later, he says, “I tell you that the liberal agenda is not the black agenda, it is not the family agenda, and it is not the American agenda.”
Another woman interviewed, Jean Ray, said, “They feel they can just take us for granted, and we’re just going to vote Democratic anyways. But if there was a Republican out here doing what I felt they should be doing, I would vote for them.”
It goes beyond party politics. One woman, who describes how any money put into the community simply goes to (non-Black) union contractors, says, “As far as the community outreach, once again, these community organizations that’s taking money and shuffling paperwork, but not really reaching out to the community…The union won’t let us in, as a whole. They will not let us in. They will figure out any way to close the doors to us…I’m going to say it right out, they’re prejudiced against us”:

Obama Campaign Scrambles to Discredit Romney's 'Jeep' Ad

President Barack Obama's campaign went apoplectic Monday over a commercial by Mitt Romney's campaign that alleges Chrysler, despite Obama's bailout, was sold to the Italian company Fiat that intends to build Jeeps in China.

Obama's campaign manager Jim Messina said "everyone" just had to know the ad is false. And the campaign ran a commercial of its own trying to tear down Romney's commercial. Except Romney's commercial is correct.

Clinton: Obama's Feelings Most Hurt Over Jeep Ad

Bill Clinton revealed at a campaign rally today that President Barack Obama's feeling were hurt over Mitt Romney's ad suggesting Jeep might move some of its production facilities overseas:

"I saw the reports of Governor Romney's latest ad saying that the president had allowed Jeep to move to China," said Clinton. "And so this morning, before he left Florida and went back to Washington, he said, 'You know, of all the things Governor Romney has said that probably hurts my feelings the most.' He said, 'You know, I never had any money when I was a kid. and the first new car I ever owned I was 30 years old it was a Jeep.'"
As an aside, it's Interesting that, according an old USA Today report, Obama's first (used) car was a Ford Granada.
Like many men, President Obama has fond memories of his first car -- even if it was a Ford Granada.
"I have to confess; my first car was my grandfather's car," Obama told AAA in an interview. "Which was a Ford Granada."
Then, it appears, Obama owned a red Fiat.  “Before returning to Hawaii, Stan bought his grandson a present: a beat-up old red Fiat that they found at a Los Angeles used car lot,” writes David Maraniss in Barack Obama: The Story. 
Then, Maraniss details Obama had a Honda Civic.  “Before leaving New York, Obama spent two thousand dollars on a blue Honda Civic that he would drive into the heartland to start his new life.”

Obama accepts 'Osama bin Laden' donations

‘Time for an investigation’
WND is preparing an affidavit for the Federal Elections Commission and the FBI on the illegal donation accepted by the Obama campaign.
WASHINGTON – Using a Pakistani Internet Protocol and proxy server, a disposable credit card and a fake address, “Osama bin Laden” has successfully donated twice to Barack Obama’s presidential re-election campaign.
The “Bin Laden” donations, actually made by WND staff, included a listed occupation of “deceased terror chief” and a stated employer of “al-Qaida.”
“Bin Laden” is currently set up on the official campaign website to contribute more to Obama’s campaign. The name is also registered as a volunteer.
Since the “foreign” contribution was sent, “Bin Laden’s” email address has received several solicitations from Obama’s campaign asking for more donations.
The apparently foreign-based contributions were conducted as a test after a flurry of media reports described the ability of foreigners to donate to the Obama campaign but not to Mitt Romney’s site, which has placed safeguards against such efforts.
The acceptance of foreign contributions is strictly illegal under U.S. campaign finance law.

The Obama Curse strikes again: Detroit Tigers lose the world series

Not only did the Detroit Tigers lose the world series, they lost spectacularly, with the Giants winning in a solid four game streak.  I predicted this outcome a few days ago, not because I know anything about baseball (I don’t), but because I am familiar with the Obama curse.  As Rush Limbaugh has been pointing out for years, if Obama backs something (a business, a climate summit, an Olympic games venue), it goes down in flames.
On Wednesday night, Obama appeared on Jay Leno’s Tonight Show.  There, in response to Jay’s question about the World Series, Obama turned his back on the Golden State that has filled his campaign coffers and told America that he was rooting for Detroit’s team (keeping in mind that Michigan’s electoral votes are up for grabs):
I will say, I’ve spent a lot of time in Detroit lately, and I didn’t want to let Detroit go bankrupt. So in this particular World Series, I might be a little partial.
Once Obama voiced his support for the Tigers, their defeat was assured.  The Giants played marvelously, that’s true, but they should also send a word of thanks to the President.  Without the benefit of the curse he laid upon the Tigers, they might not have won.
Those Obama voters who are Detroit Tigers fans might want to rethink their support for the President.  It’s really not nice what he did to their team.

Monday, October 29, 2012

….that these dead shall not have died in vain….

The Gettysburg Address  

President Abraham LincolnNovember 19, 1863
“Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal…..
that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion — that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain — that this nation shall have a new birth of freedom and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

GOSH, WHICH COULD IT BE? "Either Fox is making stuff up, or the administration is lying through its teeth"

Thank you, Tyrone and Glen. To the very last breath, you both lived up to the SEAL Code. You served all of us well. You were courageous in the face of certain death.

And Tyrone, even though you never got to hold your newborn son, he will grow up knowing the character and quality of his father, a man among men who sacrificed himself defending others. God bless America!

Rick Moran deconstructs the latest Benghazi-gate revelations and finds only one possible scenario: the White House is lying.

The CIA is denying. The Pentagon is denying. And now the White House is denying that anyone refused to send help to our embattled CIA and State Department personnel engaged in a seven hour running firefight with more than 150 jihadists.

It just doesn’t get any lamer than this:

The White House on Saturday flatly denied that President Barack Obama withheld requests for help from the besieged American compound in Benghazi, Libya, as it came under on attack by suspected terrorists on September 11th.“Neither the president nor anyone in the White House denied any requests for assistance in Benghazi,” National Security Council spokesman Tommy Vietor told Yahoo News by email.

WH: ‘We Decline to Comment’ on When Obama Learned of E-Mails, Met With NSC on Benghazi

Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton
(CNSNews.com) - The White House is declining to say when President Barack Obama first learned of three e-mails that the State Department sent to the White House on Sept. 11, 2012, directly notifying the Executive Office of the President that the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi was under attack, that U.S. Amb. Chris Stevens was at the Benghazi mission at the time of the attack, and that the group Ansar al-Sharia had taken credit for the attack.

The White House also declined to say when the president first met with the National Security Council after the Benghazi attack.

“I have been asked by one of our spokespeople to relay ‘that we decline to comment,’” said White House National Security Staff aide Debbie Bird in a written response to CNSNews.com.

CNSNews.com had asked Bird: 1) “When did the President first meet with the National Security Council after the Benghazi attack on 9/11/12?” 2) “When did White House staff first discuss the substance of the e-mails that went to the White House with the President or with the National Security Advisor?”

Report – Ty Woods: “Where The Fuck Is The Spectre” ?

I’ll quickly look for links to this breaking story but Fox News Coorespondant Jennifer Griffin is now reporting:   ”on the ground annex sources are telling her directly” when SEAL’s Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty disobeyed orders to “stand down” they instead “walked” while under fire to the Annex compound.
They walked there, approximately a half mile, retrieved the consulate employees, and walked them back to the Annex.   Woods and Doherty were not in an armored SUV as previously reported.   They were on Foot and they were taking fire while doing so.

When Woods and Doherty safely secured the 20 to 30 employees back in the annex they took up positions on the roof, and Woods engaged communication traffic proclaiming “Where the fuck is the Spectre“, referencing the AC-130 Gunship he anticipated would be overhead by then.   Obviously it was never sent.

Slain SEAL’s father to Obama: ‘Better to die the death of a hero than it is to live the life of a coward’

In an appearance on Fox News Channel’s “Geraldo at Large” Sunday night, Charles Woods, father of slain Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, said President Barack Obama did not do all he could to save the four Americans who were killed in a terrorist raid on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya. Obama should have reacted sooner, he said, because the consulate was American soil.

“I was contacted by military personnel yesterday, who told me an interesting fact. And that is any consulate anywhere in the world is American soil,” Woods said. “Any attack on an American consulate is an attack on American soil. There were American citizens that were attacked for seven hours on American soil a couple thousand miles away from Washington, D.C.”  

“My question of the president would be this: Your Honor, I respect your office as president. But if this attack on American citizens, on American soil, happened 2,000 miles away from Washington, D.C. — say in Los Angeles or in Seattle — would you have waited seven hours before you sent the first airplane? Would you have waited seven hours until the attack was over? Would you have waited a couple of days until you had all of the videos and all the information before you responded in a responsible military way?”

Host Geraldo Rivera pressed Woods on his argument and suggested that he was “angry” at the loss of his son. That wasn’t the case, Woods explained.

“First of all, I am not angry at all,” Woods said. “In fact, Mr. President, if I had the opportunity of speaking to you face to face, and I would really love to, I would say this: ‘Mr. President, I respect your office. However, if you are responsible for the death of my son, I totally forgive you.’”

“This is about honor, courage and about love for America. And remember this, Mr. President:  My son and the others died heroes and it’s better to die the death of a hero than it is to live the life of a coward. If you are responsible for the death of my son, I forgive you, I love you. I also love America.”

Special Ops SLAM Obama

DAMN, this is good.  PLEASE email this ad to every military person you know and anyone else, for that matter.

When your special ops turn on you, you are no longer a worthy Commander in Chief.


Comparing the instincts of Mitt Romney to those of Barack Obama.

Class is what you show when you’re not thinking about it*.

This is what Romney-Ryan thinks is important enough to mention in the last two weeks of the campaign. It is the latest email that I have received from the campaign.

Stay safe, give to the Red Cross, and GET THOSE ROMNEY-RYAN SIGNS INSIDE!  High winds will turn them into deathtraps!

This is what Obama for America thinks is important enough to mention in the last two weeks of the campaign. It is the latest email that I have received from the campaign.

http://moelane.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Obama.jpg                              The Other Side has more money.  Give us five bucks.

…And that’s the way it goes. Sorry, but it’s not my fault.  I voted for the other guy last time.

Andrew Sullivan warns of the Confederacy making a comeback if GOP wins Virginia, Florida

If you think comparing Mitt Romney’s supporters in the American South to the Civil War’s Confederacy would be irresponsible and racially suggestive, Daily Beast “Daily Dish” blogger Andrew Sullivan apparently disagrees with you.

Former SEIU organizer: I was ‘required’ to do ‘political work’

In a case that could have wide-ranging implications for the political future of the Service Employees International Union, a former SEIU organizer told a right-to-work group and a best-selling author recently that the union forced him and other workers to volunteer their time for Democratic political campaigns.
On a video segment provided exclusively to The Daily Caller, the organizer says he and other SEIU staff “had to do some political work. We were required as staff to do that.”
The National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation and Mallory Factor, author of “Shadowbosses: Government Unions Control America and Rob Taxpayers Blind,” obtained an hour-long videotaped statement from the organizer, who now works for a different union.

Media Blackout: Aside from FOX, Sunday News Hosts Fail to Raise Benghazi

The mainstream media's silence on the Benghazi disaster reached deafening levels on Sunday, as hosts of four out of the five major news shows--with the exception of Fox News Sunday--failed to raise the issue. Only Bob Schieffer of CBS gave it serious consideration, and only after it was raised by Sen. John McCain.

Obama Supporters Drive Through Parking Lot at Tea Party Rally and Dump Nails

A truck affixed with Obama stickers drove through the parking lot outside of a tea party rally in Racine, Wisconsin on Saturday and dumped nails.
Anne Sorock from Legal Insurrection was at the rally and posted this picture.

These nails were picked up off the lot.
Mt. Pleasant Patch reported:

The Delphi Legacy Paul Ryan hammers Obama on shady auto bailout pension deal at Ohio rally

Republican vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan slammed President Barack Obama for the Auto Task Force’s treatment of nonunion workers who saw their pensions slashed by 70 percent, while their union coworkers lost no funds thanks to a $1 billion “top-off” by GM, during a rally in Sabina, Ohio, on Saturday.
“The president likes to go around Ohio talking about how he saved the auto industry, how the auto bailout was such a success. Tell you what: He hasn’t talked to these Oak Creek salaried employees, he hasn’t talked to these Ohio Delphi salaried employees, because this is one of those examples of the government picking winners and losers,” Ryan said.
Ryan took the stage after personally meeting with nine Delphi retirees. One of those retirees was Dayton resident Tom Rose, who spent 39 years with GM and Delphi as an engineer; it would have been an even 40 had he not taken a break to serve in Vietnam in 1971. Rose has seen his healthcare costs triple after losing his company medical coverage. He shared his story with Ryan in a 30-minute meeting held before the Sabina speech.

Oh My… Obama Deputy Campaign Manager Lashes Out at Des Moines Register for Picking Romney (Video)

For the first time in thirty years the liberal Des Moines Register endorsed a Republican candidate for president today.
This didn’t go over so well with Team Obama.
Watch Stephanie Cutter lash out at the leading Iowa paper today on This Week.

Newspapers abandon 2008 Obama endorsements, choose Romney

Republicans are touting a list of newspapers that have switched their endorsements from then-Sen. Barack Obama in 2008 to Gov Mitt Romney in 2012.
Their list is topped by the Des Moines Register, the largest newspaper in swing-state Iowa. But it also includes five Florida papers — Florida Today, the Orlando Sentinel, the Pensacola News Journal, Naples Daily News and the South Florida Sun-Sentinel — plus the Quad City Times, on the border between Iowa and Illinois.
Other newspapers in Republican Texas and Democratic New York, California and Illinois have also flipped to the Republican presidential contender from 2008, when they endorsed Obama.
The Des Moines Register is the largest newspaper in Iowa, with a Sunday circulation of 211,880.  
The five Florida newspapers have a combined weekly or Sunday circulation of more than 700,000.
A Nevada newspaper, the Reno Gazette-Journal, also flipped, potentially pulling a few move votes towards Romney in that swing state.
Most endorsements are announced on weekends, partly because Sunday editions usually have the largest circulation.
Many newspapers have stuck by Obama, including The New York Times and The Washington Post, which have a combined Sunday circulation of roughly 2.7 million.
The influence of newspaper endorsements is modest, but both candidates seek them as they battle for electoral votes in swing states.
Obama, for example, talked with the publisher and editor of the Des Moines Register for 30 minutes on Oct. 23 in an attempt to win their support in the hard-fought state. Romney met with them for almost an hour — and it likely paid off when the Register endorsed a Republican for the fist time in 40 years.
Iowa has seven electoral votes.
The endorsements also generate useful material for TV advertising.
“In these uncertain times, we need a leader who will chart a clear course, sweat the details and get the job done right,” the Sun Sentinel wrote Oct. 26 when endorsing Romney.
“Voters should give Mitt Romney a chance to correct the nation’s fiscal course and to implode the partisan gridlock that has shackled Washington and the rest of America — with the understanding that he would face the same assessment in four years if he does not succeed,” the Des Moines Register wrote Oct. 27.
According to a list maintained by the American Presidency Project at UC Santa Barbara, only one major newspaper that endorsed Republican Arizona Sen. John McCain in 2008 has backed Obama this year. Obama’s “shortcomings,” the San Antonio Express-News editorial board wrote Oct. 22, “don’t justify a change in leadership.”

Sunday, October 28, 2012

IMPLOSION: Obama fumbles local reporter's Benghazi question; CIA director throws President under bus

According to the official White House record, Obama, Biden and SECDEF Panetta were meeting approximately one hour after the Benghazi attack began. (See President's White House Schedule below)

When confronted with a local reporter's pointed questions regarding Benghazi, President Obama fumbled his response and inadvertently provided a few clues into the timing and the cover-up.

KYLE CLARK: Were they denied requests for help during the attack?

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well, we are finding out exactly what happened. I can tell you, as I've said over the last couple of months since this happened, the minute I found out what was happening, I gave three very clear directives. Number one, make sure that we are securing our personnel and doing whatever we need to. Number two, we're going to investigate exactly what happened so that it doesn't happen again. Number three, find out who did this so we can bring them to justice. And I guarantee you that everyone in the state department, our military, the CIA, you name it, had number one priority making sure that people were safe. These were our folks and we're going to find out exactly what happened, but what we're also going to do it make sure that we are identifying those who carried out these terrible attacks.

Last night, attorney Mark Levin deconstructed Obama's response as follows:

• ...the minute I found out what was happening, I gave three very clear directives...

Note that this is stated in the present tense. The president found out about the attack while it was happening.

• ...make sure that we are securing our personnel and doing whatever we need to...

Well, sir, what orders did you give? Were they disobeyed? Did you receive requests for help? Notice that the president carefully avoided the reporter's actual question (lesson for vintage media: this is what your predecessors actually used to do) about whether calls for help were refused.

• ...Number two, we're going to investigate exactly what happened so that it doesn't happen again...

So during the attack, you clearly ordered an "investigation"? Does that make sense to anyone?

• ...Number three, find out who did this so we can bring them to justice...

So while the attack was occurring, you want to find out who was attacking and arrest them? Again, does this make any sense at all?

Late last night, CIA Director Petraeus absolved the agency of blame:

Breaking news on Benghazi: the CIA spokesman, presumably at the direction of CIA director David Petraeus, has put out this statement: “No one at any level in the CIA told anybody not to help those in need; claims to the contrary are simply inaccurate.”

Put simply, Petraeus has handed the hot potato to President Obama.

Now let's examine the president's schedule on 9/11/12:

According to the official White House record, Obama, Biden and SECDEF Panetta were meeting approximately one hour after the Benghazi attack began.

Time for some answers, Mr. President, and we don't have to wait for the results of an "investigation" to hear your responses:

1. When did you first receive word of the Benghazi attacks?

2. Did you receive requests for help from those on-scene and, if so, when?

3. What orders did you issue, if any, after receiving word of the attacks and when did you issue them?

4. Within two hours of the attack, your own schedule indicates you were meeting with the Vice President and the Secretary of Defense. Did you discuss Benghazi and, if so, what information did you receive and what orders did you issue in that meeting?

5. There have been no White House press briefings for more than a week. Why?

Levin believes that the president received word immediately of the attacks and, whether through fear of the political ramifications or simple indecision (akin to voting "present"), watched as Americans were slaughtered as they begged for help.

And then he headed to Vegas for a fundraiser.


Appalling! Biden Asks Father Of Dead SEAL, “Did Your Son Always Have Balls The Size Of Cue Balls?”

Joe Biden has no business representing our country in any capacity, much less running it.  During the ceremony honoring the return of Navy SEAL hero Tyrone Woods’ body, VP Joe Biden greeted the family with an atrociously offensive and crass question…

“Did your son always have balls the size of cue balls?”

Their son is dead.  And their son is dead because Joe Biden and the rest of the feckless politicians in the Obama administration placed politics above American lives.  So, of course, Biden wouldn’t have any instinct to understand, much less feel, the solemnity of that moment.  The offensive level of that comment is just breathtaking.

According to the Daily Mail,
‘Did your son always have balls the size of cue balls?’ Biden’s bizarre question angers father of Navy SEAL who died in Benghazi attack
  • VP made inappropriate comment to Charles Woods, father of SEAL Tyrone
  • Father angered by White House reaction to deadly assault in Benghazi
  • Said meeting Obama was ‘like shaking hands with a dead fish’
  • Accused Hillary of not telling the truth when she linked consulate raid to anti-Muslim YouTube video
The father of one of the Navy SEALs who was killed in the Libya consulate attack has criticised the White House reaction to his son’s death – especially a bizarre and obscene comment Joe Biden made to him.Charles Woods, father of Tyrone Woods, said he thought Barack Obama had ‘no remorse’ over the attack and felt Hillary Clinton was ‘not telling the truth’.
And he revealed that at the ceremony for the return of Tyrone’s body, the Vice President approached his family and asked, ‘Did your son always have balls the size of cue balls?’
Mr Woods added that the President seemed cold and distant at the time, saying: ’Shaking hands with him, quite frankly, was like shaking hands with a dead fish.’
It’s Dumb and Dumber running our country right now.

'Stand Down': U.S. Had Two Drones, AC-130 Gunship, and Targets Painted in Benghazi

Reports indicate two drones and an AC-130 gunship were in the area when Benghazi was attacked, yet their resources were not used.

This runs completely against the current explanation coming out of the White House, which is that Obama did everything he could once he learned of the attack.

You'll remember that in the second presidential debate, Obama said that as "soon as I was aware the Benghazi consulate was being overrun, I was on the phone with my national security team." The not-so-subtle intimation is that Obama was stepping up to the protect the U.S. personnel who were in Libya. And in the wakes of their deaths, which weren't "optimal," we have been assured that stronger action wasn't taken stronger because those options weren't available.

Sec. of State Leon Panetta gave us another version this same excuse, saying: "The U.S. military did not get involved during the attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi last month because officials did not have enough information about what was going on before the attack was over."

There are three huge problems with the excuses Obama and Panetta are making.

1. It is now known that the U.S. had two drones in the area -- both of which were filming the attacks, sending back feeds in real time, and at least one of the drone may have been armed.

2. Reports also indicate a Specter gunship, probably an AC-130, was in the area for backup. The gunship could have swooped in and not only leveled the playing field in the match between 50 attackers vs a handful of security personnel, it could have thrown the attack decisively in favor of the security personnel.

3. The security personnel in Benghazi had painted a laser mark on the attackers outside the consulate. This mark would have made possible a response by the drones or the AC-130 routine had they been allowed to zero in on it. The member of the security team who was on the roof of the consulate, spraying machine gun fire down on the attackers, continually asked for backup from the AC-130. It never came.

Obama says he was doing everything he could, and Panetta says we didn't react more strongly because we weren't sure what was going on. Yet we now know two drones were sending back video of the attack in real time, and at least one of those drones may have been armed. We also know a massive AC-130 gunship could have been used for backup as well, but it was not. And we know that security was begging for backup and even marking targets with lasers for the drones and/or gunship so they could make quick work of the attackers.

Yet Obama chose not to respond, and that's the bottom line.

Former Navy SEAL: Libya Obama's 'Watergate,' Admin. Actions 'Unconscionable'

A former Navy SEAL told Breitbart News on Friday that allegations of negligence during the 9/11/12 Benghazi attack exemplified Obama's "failed policy of appeasement and apology" and was Obama's "Watergate" with four deaths. 

Ryan Zinke, a member of the Montana state Senate former U.S. Navy SEAL, said it was "unconscionable that the Administration would not immediately act when our consulate is under attack," and this was Obama's "Watergate with one exception" -- "the result was the loss of our Ambassador and three young heroes. "
"There is no better example of the President's failed policy of appeasement and apology than America being delayed because we had to ask Libya's permission to fly in their airspace to rescue our Ambassador," Zinke told Breitbart News. "Even sending aircraft overhead would have helped."
These quotes were in response to sources on the ground claiming that the Obama administration denied requests from Americans in Libya for military help while terrorists were attacking the U.S. consulate.

Obama Administration Replaces Top Generals Following Benghazi Disaster

General Carter Ham
The latest rumor making the rounds is that Barack Obama replaced General Carter Ham at Africom after the general made a move to help the US security officials at the Benghazi consulate and annex. Ham was replaced by Gen. David Rodriquez on October 18.
Tiger Droppings reported:
The information I heard today was that General [Carter] Ham as head of Africom received the same e-mails the White House received requesting help/support as the attack was taking place. General Ham immediately had a rapid response unit ready and communicated to the Pentagon that he had a unit ready.
General Ham then received the order to stand down. His response was to screw it, he was going to help anyhow. Within 30 seconds to a minute after making the move to respond, his second in command apprehended General Ham and told him that he was now relieved of his command.
The story continues that now General Rodiguez would take General Ham’s place as the head of Africom.
Sure enough Obama nominated Gen. David Rodriguez to replace Gen. Carter Ham as commander of U.S. Africa Command.
The Stars and Stripes reported:
President Barack Obama will nominate Army Gen. David Rodriguez to succeed Gen. Carter Ham as commander of U.S. Africa Command and Marine Lt. Gen. John Paxton to succeed Gen. Joseph Dunford as assistant commandant of the Marine Corps, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta announced Thursday.
Both appointments must be confirmed by the Senate.
Rodriguez is the commander of U.S. Army Forces Command and has served in a “variety of key leadership roles on the battlefield,” Panetta said.
He’s “a proven leader” who oversaw coalition and Afghan forces during the surge in Afghanistan, and “was the key architect of the successful campaign plan that we are now implementing,” Panetta said.
In announcing Ham’s successor, Panetta also praised the work Ham has done with Africa Command.
“Gen. Ham has really brought AFRICOM into a very pivotal role in that challenging region,” Panetta said. “I and the nation are deeply grateful for his outstanding service.”

Internal emails: Treasury officials held 2009 backroom bailout meeting on Delphi pension plans

Internal Treasury Department emails obtained by The Daily Caller show that in June 2009 a high-ranking Treasury official planned a backroom meeting to discuss the pension plans for 20,000 nonunion Delphi salaried retirees.
Those retirees lost between 30 and 70 percent of their pensions, as well as their healthcare, life insurance and other benefits. Unionized employees working alongside them, however, saw their pensions and benefits made whole.
The Obama administration has blamed this decision on the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC), a federal government agency that handles private-sector pension benefits issues. But these internal emails indicate the Treasury Department was involved to a greater degree than the administration has conceded publicly.
“Anything new on the PBGC front regarding Delphi?” General Motors official Walter Borst wrote in an email to Treasury officials Matt Feldman and Harry Wilson on June 9, 2009.
“I am meeting with them tomorrow and will have more to report after the meeting.” Feldman replied to Borst, copying Wilson.
Although Treasury officials have pointed to the PBGC during congressional testimony as the decision makers, this correspondence indicates the agency’s involvement in the decision to terminate the pensions.
“Have you guys begun a dialogue with the UAW over your desire to see the hourly plan terminated?” Treasury’s Feldman wrote in another email to GM officials on June 30, 2009, copying Wilson.
“One concern I have is that while the PGBC [sic] is likely to agree to terminate, it’s not clear what position they will take on the Benefit Guaranty. At a minimum this could get messy and the UAW should probably be brought into the loop.” 

Borst responded that GM had not “begun any conversations with the UAW pending hearing back from you and the PBGC. We can begin that dialogue but our reading of the benefit guarantee is clear that it’s for the benefit of the retirees and not the PBGC.”
GM’s understanding that “you [Treasury] and the PBGC” would jointly communicate with the automaker about the Delphi pensions is significant. Only the PBGC is legally permitted to make a move toward discontinuing a public benefit pension plan.
Feldman replied with an acknowledgement that it was Treasury, not the PBGC, that was calling the shots.  
“Keep in mind we need the PBGC’s help to terminate this plan so we will have to deal with the PBGC,” Feldman wrote. “If you think there is a way to cause its unilateral termination (outside of Delphi going down an 1113 process) let me know.”
A Section 1113 process involves a debtor in bankruptcy that seeks a court’s approval to reject an existing collective bargaining agreement with a labor union.
The email chain was titled “Delphi Hourly Plan.” Delphi’s unionized hourly retirees originally saw their pension plans terminated together with the nonunion Delphi salaried retirees’ plans in a process that commenced on July 31, 2009.
Later, in September 2009, the union retirees’ plans were topped up while nonunion retirees’ plans remained terminated.

These emails contradict July 2012 congressional testimony Feldman gave during an investigation by the subcommittee on TARP, Financial Services and Bailouts of Public and Private Programs.
“As a result of the Delphi Corporation bankruptcy, for example, Delphi and the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation were forced to terminate Delphi’s pension plans,” Feldman told Congress. “Which means there are Delphi retirees who unfortunately will collect less than their full pension benefits.”
“The decision that the PBGC made with respect to the pensions,” Feldman continued in his testimony, “was independent of anything that Treasury or I had to say to the PBGC. … “I was not a decision-maker.”
Neither Wilson or Feldman has responded to The Daily Caller’s request for comment
A total of three committees have investigated the Delphi Corporation bankruptcy, starting with the House Oversight Committee. When TheDC published emails in August that documented a greater degree of Obama administration involvement, the House Ways and Means Committee launched its own investigation.  
The House Education and Workforce committee rekindled a long-dormant investigation as well.  
The Treasury Department has stonewalled all three committees, prompting each to threaten Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner with subpoenas.
House Ways and Means Committee chairman Rep. Dave Camp has asked President Obama to clarify whether he plans to assert executive privilege over the documents.

Delphi DAILY CALLER Back Room Deals

Congressional leaders to Obama on Delphi scandal: Turn over documents or claim executive privilege

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Rep. Dave Camp challeneged President Barack Obama to turn over documents related to the Delphi pension scandal, hinting that a claim of executive privilege could be the White House’s only available legal avenue to avoid disclosure.
“The White House is withholding documents and has failed to provide a legitimate reason,” Camp told The Daily Caller exclusively on Thursday. “The president and his lawyers should either claim executive privilege and be prepared to defend it for each and every document or turn over the documents without further delay.”  

White House spokesman Eric Schultz would not answer when The Daily Caller asked if Obama will invoke privilege to avoid releasing the documents. Congressional investigators hope to determine who in the administration made decisions that cost 20,000 nonunion Delphi retirees their pensions during the auto industry bailout. Those workers’ unionized colleagues, meanwhile, saw their pensions preserved and made whole.

White House counsel Kathryn Ruemmler suggested in an Oct. 12 letter to Camp that the president could indeed invoke executive privilege as a route to disregard congressional document requests.
“Your request for all EOP [Executive Office of the President] communications implicates longstanding and significant executive branch confidentiality interests,” Ruemmler wrote, “an encroachment upon [sic] which is unnecessary at this time.”  

Obama has used executive privilege to keep documents from Congress before: This summer, after House oversight committee chair Rep. Darrell Issa investigated the Operation Fast and Furious scandal for more than a year, Obama invoked executive privilege to conceal documents about the failed gunwalking program.
Camp began investigating the Delphi pension issue in August after TheDC obtained and published emails that showed the Department of Treasury and the White House’s Auto Task Force drove the pension cutoffs of the 20,000 nonunion Delphi retirees. The emails also contradict sworn testimony in which several Obama administration figures have said the decision to terminate the retirees’ pensions came from the more independent Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation.  

Camp’s committee is one of three in the House investigating the Delphi scandal. The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and the House Committee on Education and the Workforce are conducting their own probes.

Treasury has withheld documents from all three committees, which are now threatening Geithner and the White House with subpoenas unless the Delphi documents are surrendered to House investigators. House Speaker John Boehner has publicly thrown his support behind the investigations.

“Thousands of auto workers in Ohio, Michigan and elsewhere deserve to know what role the Obama administration played in cutting their pensions while protecting the president’s union allies,” Boehner said in a statement Thursday. “A report by the nonpartisan GAO [Government Accountability Office] made it evident that unions were given preferential treatment during the taxpayer-funded bailout while nonunion workers saw their pensions cut by up to 70 percent.”

“And new documents that have been uncovered raise even more questions. The administration should stop stonewalling and start turning over all of the information requested by Congress at once. If the White House is going to boast about its auto bailout, it has an obligation to explain its involvement in the pension scandal to Delphi workers, their families, and taxpayers.”

Stunner… Leaked Emails Prove Obama Administration Drove Cash to Failed Green Company (Video)

Just a day after President Barack Obama insisted that green grants were given out by Department of Energy and weren’t political, leaked emails prove White House cronyism.
Kelly Maher at Revealing Politics reported:

Complete Colorado reported:
Recent remarks by President Obama to a Denver-based TV anchor stand in stark contrast to new emails obtained by CompleteColorado.com.
This past Friday, President Obama told KUSA’s Kyle Clark, in response to a question on the federally-backed but failed Colorado company Abound Solar, “And these are decisions, by the way, that are made by the Department of Energy (DOE), they have nothing to do with politics.”
And just one year ago, White House advisor David Plouffe had this exchange with NBC’s David Gregory regarding the politcal questions surrounding many of the DOE-backed projects:
Were campaign contributors involved here in terms of their projects that ultimately forced the government’s hand?
Absolutely not. These decisions about the loan program were made by career officials in the Department of Energy on the merits.
CompleteColorado.com has obtained emails that seem to directly contradict Plouffe’s answer, and also challenge the President’s notion that the DOE’s loan decisions were universally autonomous within the agency. The emails also lend even more credence to the theory that the loan to Abound Solar was political payback to Colorado’s wealthy Democratic benefactor and Gang-of-Four member, Pat Stryker.
CompleteColorado.com has had so much traffic today because of this post it has temporarily taken down their server. Because of this development they have sent us the images of their leaked emails to host until their server comes back online. Luckily these damning pieces largely speak for themselves:

AFL-CIO offers list of union-approved Halloween candy

Halloween is less than a week away and, just in time for Americans stocking up on candy, the AFL-CIO has identified the most union-friendly candy available.
Yes, there is such a thing as union-approved candy.
“If you want your Halloween to be all treats and no tricks, make sure all your candy is union-made, made in America,” Jackie Tortora writes at the AFL-CIO’s blog, linking to Local 144’s “Buy Union Directory.”
Tortora provides a list of union-approved candy highlights from the directory including Baby Ruths, Butterfingers, Caramellos, Hershey’s Candy Corn Kisses, Hershey’s Extra Dark Chocolate bars, Hershey’s Hugs, Hershey’s Kisses, Hershey’s Nuggets, Jelly Belly candies, Kit Kats, Laffy Taffy, Mike and Ikes, Rolos, Super Ropes, Tootsie Rolls and Trolli candies.

I’m sure we can finish the list…
Purple Job Stoppers
Sticky Fingers
Bit O Money
Scummy Bears
Pay Raisonettes
Zero Bar

Heart On Sleeve TV – Democrat Pat Caddell on Judge Jeanine Pirro Show

Can honestly say I doubt I’ve seen anyone so visibly filled with anxiety at the Benghazi obfuscation on Television – THIS IS MUST WATCH TV

That was an amazing hour, and Pat Caddell’s righteous fury capped it off. Thank God for angry Americans tonight who have a platform.
 Pat Caddell and Doug Schoen are two Dems I have the outmost respect for. They love America, and put her first, above any partisan loyalties.

Ann Coulter to Piers Morgan: You’re ‘a sexist, misogynist pig’

Earlier this week, conservative commentator Ann Coulter offered her explanation for using the word “retard” to describe President Barack Obama. And on Friday night’s broadcast of CNN’s “Piers Morgan Tonight,” in an appearance to promote her book “Mugged: Racial Demagoguery from the Seventies to Obama,” Coulter was pushed to reiterate that defense by host Piers Morgan.
But Morgan segued into a commercial break by suggesting Coulter “calm down” after she began her response.

MORGAN: Let’s take another break. Let you calm down a bit.
COULTER: Oh, yes. I think you could move on to a better subject.
MORGAN: It’s an interesting subject.
COULTER: No, it isn’t.

Coulter apparently took issue with that, and during commercial she called Morgan a “sexist misogynist pig.” When the show returned from the commercial break, Coulter explained her charge.
MORGAN: You called me in the break a sexist misogynist pig.
MORGAN: Can you explain why? What have I said that’s been remotely sexist?
COULTER: “Calm down.” Oh, it is the conservative –
MORGAN: You were hyperventilating.
COULTER: I’m not hyperventilating. I’m disagreeing with you, which apparently is insulting your teeny tiny male ego. It is the most insulting, condescending, sexist thing to say to a female, generally conservative, who disagrees with you. No, it’s my obligation to back down and accept your point. And if I don’t, you’re not being calm.
One thing Coulter gained from the use of the word “retard” in that tweet last week was getting invited on Morgan’s show after being “banned for life” in 2011. Coulter had canceled a scheduled appearance on “Piers Morgan Tonight” in July 2011 and appeared on Morgan’s competition, Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” that night instead.

**SHOCK** Liberal Des Moines Register Endorses Romney, First Republican Endorsement in 40 Years

The Des Moines Register, the left-of-center and most influential newspaper in Iowa that endorsed President Barack Obama in 2008, endorsed Mitt Romney on Saturday.  The Register called the Republican the "stronger candidate" who could "forge compromise" to pull America's economy "out of the doldrums."

Romney is the first Republican the paper has endorsed for president in 40 years when it supported Richard Nixon.


Teleprompter Fail 1

Teleprompter Fail 2

Teleprompter Fail 3