The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Yet Another Edition Of "You Can't Make This Shit Up"!

"NY State Senate “Crushing The Dreams” of Illegal Immigrants By Not Paying For Them To Go To College…" Charlie Rangel
Charlie Rangel, Sleeping On the Beach With His Latest Primary Win In ...
New York, NY – Congressman Charles B. Rangel issued the following statement after the New York Senate failed to pass the Dream Act, a bill providing state financial aid for college for the children of illegal immigrants:
“I am disappointed that the New York State Senate, once again, failed to pass the DREAM Act.  The fate of many of my constituents in Manhattan and the Bronx depends on the enactment of this bill.  Our current immigration system denies some of the best and brightest students in the nation the chance to help America maintain its greatness. Many of them may have arrived here illegally by their parents, but they salute the Stars and Stripes and America is the only home they know. They deserve the same opportunity to contribute to our nation as Americans.
America is a land built by immigrants. Every day I am astounded by the positive impact that immigrants make in our District and across the United States. As one of the earliest co-sponsors of the DREAM Act when it was first introduced in 2001, I will continue to fight for its passage in Congress to ensure a better future for our immigrant families and of our country. I urge the State Senate to stop crushing the dreams of immigrant children in pursuit of success.”
did anyone actually think charlie rangel author of our tax laws would ...

"Hey Charlie, I don't give a rat's ass about the dreams of illegal aliens. I really don't. Any more than they, or you, give a rat's ass about taxpayers. And please stop this bullshit about "immigrants built this nation." Yeah, a certain type of immigrant, at a certain time in our
history, that learned English, worked hard, served in the armed forces, obeyed the laws, raised their own children and were honored and grateful to live in the United States, built this nation. Some, today, still qualify as such immigrants. But due to the lowering of our own expectations, lack of enforcement of our immigration law, and active government handouts to shameless takers, that has not been the norm for a long time. I dream of the day these old hack, corrupt politicians will be escorted to a home for retired pick pockets so we will no longer have to endure them. America is a country 'fought for', founded and built by Americans, and legal immigrants, who, like everyone else, were required to pay for themselves. There weren't any handouts, no free meals, no free anything, except from charity. I guess it really boils down to whatever buys you votes. But Old Charley boy has the safest seat in the house, no matter what he does. He's the King of Harlem. They love this racist POS there." MC

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