The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


Thursday, October 24, 2013

Rearend Al And Other Black Pastors Pledge Support To Barrycare

"Hey Al Shithead, you and the rest of your black pators (not to be confused with black panthers), are welcome to follow your Magic Negro into this neverending chaos. So 14 ignorant, colr blinded, black pastors wrote a letter and that makes Barrycare all better? What a f**king joke. There is nothing I like more than 14 racist suck ups. Hand them all a roll of toilet paper to pass around so they can wipe the shit off their nose. Forward we much. It's fitting that the head is the leader of the Tawana Brigade. Where's the Rearend Jesse Jackass? You know, the one that bought his $5 mail order reverend license before Al. Guess he was busy trying to figure out how to sneak a file into his son's prison cell. He should be coming around shortly, not to worry. He can't pass up being included in this racist circle jerk. After all, he knows that an invite to the Shite House for free food is not far off.

Perhaps Sharpnuts is just looking for some attention because his BSDNC show is so popular. Sharpnut preaches nothing but hate and racism, and the rest of these "pastors" must believe the
same by associating with Rearend Al. I wonder what does the A pimp team have to say about Alan Grayson, the shithead from Florida, using the KKK cross burning imagery to describe patriotic Americans? Nothing. They are just "empty store front" pastors. If this doesn't tell you what this group is all about nothing does. Democraps and phony racist pimps are a real threat to this country." MC

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