The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


Dance Along

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Booby Gibbs Demands Issa Apologize For Calling Jay Carney What He Is, A “Paid Liar”.

"So Booby Gibbs, you think Mr. Issa is a joke. You think he's funny. There isn't one asshole in the Shite House or one libtard democrap is laughing right now. You really think Darrel Issa is a joke, when we have "The biggest joke in all of Washington". Are you f**king serious. Of course you are because your a moron. That jug-eared clown in the Shite House that has been golfing 125 times fits that bill perfectly. Here are some of his jokes Booby, asleep during Benghazi, calling the FT. Hood shooting "workplace violence", saying the war on terror is over, calling Trayvon Martin his son, and let's not forget, Corpesman along with 57 states.

So the original paid liar is covering for the new paid liar ? How many paid liars does it take to screw in a cover story? It takes an entire administration of paid liars to screw in a cover story, thats how many. I say we start using the Left's tactics against them: Call them all liars, call them all murderer's, call them all traitors. Wait, I do all the time, that's what they are. This guy lecturing anyone is laughable. Booby doesn't like to admit that his former position was that of 'Liar-for-the-Chief'. Carney, as was Boob, is a paid liar. There's a point reached where it's no
longer spinning and becomes just outright lies. That point was crossed even before Barry took office. BTW, Bob, Carney the Clown's claim of 'one small change, which was stylistic in nature, to the Benghazi talking points', couldn't be called anything other than a flat out lie. So stick that up your libtard ass.

We get it Booby. We get it. So you don't like it when the shoe is on the other foot. We're still waiting for Hussein to apologize to Romney for calling him a murderer in the campaign ads about a woman who died of cancer and her insurance had not a single thing to do with Mr. Romney. Or how about Sen Hairy Reid making sure the country thought that Romney had filed dishonest tax returns. Rep. Joe Wilson saw the writing on the wall when he honestly exposed Hussein as lying POS during the Husseinacare debate, that we'd be paying for abortions with federal monies. Too bad he apologized for his truthful "You lie!" Actually Booby, I hope Issa doubles down and says that "Robert Gibbs, as a liar himself has a lot of gall asking for an apology", and grin and gives you the finger while he's saying it. You really expect Issa to apologize, don't hold your breath moron. Hey dipshit, I demand that you apologize for wasting our oxygen and our time. " MC

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